April 3td, 2021
Writen by : Ivan.001
Translated by : PO
West Nusa Tenggara POSKO (Command Posts Point) For Humanitarian Action (Gotong Royong) to Raise Funds for Flood Victims in Bima.
Mataram-(ANN). (Saturday / 03/04/2021) A number of mass organizations of the National Democratic Student League (LMND) in the City of Mataram and NTB, the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) NTB, the National Farmers Union (STN) NTB, conducted a Humanitarian Action to Raise Funds for Flood Victims in Bima Regency.
Floods that hit 5 (five) sub-districts in Bima Regency for 2 days (Friday / 02/03/2021) include Districts, Madapangga, Bolo, Monta, Palibelo, and Woha. To this day there are still some of the puddles that have not receded. Flood was caused by 9 hours of hesvy rainfall, resulting in the overflowing of water at the Pela Parado Dam in Parado Subdistrict, Bima Regency.
This situation is what makes them raise funds for flood victims. Fundraising coordinator for the NTB Command Post (Posko), mutual assistance, Al Mukmin Betika invites all elements of society, let’s help, Work hand in hand and cultivate mutual cooperation to help our brothers and sisters in Bima who are in sadness, anxiety and distress, hopefully our helping hand and contribution can alleviate the flood victims in Bima Regency now .
Fundraising for 6 hours at the intersection of the Aston Cakra Negara Hotel, Mataram City went safely, and received a good response from road users.
And the fundraising will continue tomorrow morning in all the crowded places in the city of Mataram while still adhering to the Covid 19 protocol. ***(Ivan/001)
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