August 11th, 2022
Translated by: PO
“The Fruit Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree”, PIPIN, Daughter of Langsa City Rock Artist Qualifies for National Level Nomination
Langsa City (ANN) – Nyak Ayfina (Pipin) student of SDN 11 Langsa City, was nominated for the National Level, Singing Competition Branch for the FLS2N Solo category representing Aceh Province.
Cut Nyak Ayfina who is called Pipin Putri from T. Firdausinnazar who is familiarly called “Bang Ados” is a senior artist among Langsa city musicians, the majority of Langsa city people know by the name Ados, Langsa city rock artist in the era before the reform until the 2020 millennium year, T. Firdaus besides being an activist, he is also the vice chairman of the Indonesian Independent Press Forum (FPII) Korwil Langsa.
His daughter, Pipin, began to knit that victory again”, where the glory of a father was now engraved again, like the saying ‘The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.’
Determination of Cut Nyak Ayfina representing Aceh Province at the National level based on the Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Talent Development Center Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology number: 0422/17.1/PN.01.2022.
To the media, the Head of SDN 11 Langsa City, Anita Tresia Spd, MM, said, personally and on behalf of the school, we congratulate our child Cut Nyak Ayfina who has succeeded at the National level representing Aceh in the FLS2N Single Singing Competition, which previously won the championship. at the Aceh Province level.
With the passing of SDN 11 Langsa Cut Nyak Ayfina students representing Aceh at the FLS2N National level in the Single Singing Competition Branch event, we are grateful and continue to pray to be able to achieve the best at least to enter the top 3, “he said.
For that, hope the Principal, we need the support of all parties, both from the school, parents, and the entire community of Langsa City.
“In the near future we will prepare a video that will be sent to Jakarta, of course, this competition is quite strong, but we remain optimistic and continue to pray that our children can achieve the best,” he concluded.
Separately, Cut Nyak Ayfina T. Firdausinnazar’s parents, who are fondly called Ados, said this was a gift from ALLAH SWT so that our daughter could represent Aceh at the national level.
“We also thank SDN 11 Langsa for training our daughter so that she can enter the National level representing the Aceh Branch of the Single Singing Competition at the FLS2 elementary school level, and we also hope for support and prayers from all parties, especially the residents of Langsa city so that they can achieve the best. , said T Ados. (**)
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