

Honesty – integrity – Trust

PT. Cipta Marga Abadi Requested To Comply With Standard Operational Procedure (SOP).

June 4th, 2021


Prepared and Written by : PO


PT. Cipta Marga Abadi Requested To Comply With Standard Operational Procedure (SOP).


Langsa City (ANN) – PT. Cipta Marga Abadi Was Requested to Fulfill Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Provisions in the renovation building of the Langsa City Type A Terminal Rehabilitation Development.

Along with the passage of time, Langsa City is one of the cities that are making steps in advancing terminal facilities that are comfortable and convenient as a local transportation hub for both Air Bus and Mini Bus.

Appreciation was conveyed to the Central Government through the Ministry of Transportation who disbursed (Plot) APBN funds for the construction of the Langsa City Type A Terminal Rehabilitation. Even though the country is struggling with the Covid 19 pandemic, the state is still trying to fulfill the means of rehabilitating the perch of public transportation.

It is hoped that in the country’s financial situation which is in a slump due to the impact of the Covid outbreak, PT. Cipta Marga Abadi can carry out the development of the intended terminal properly and professionally in accordance with the standard operational procedure (SOP) because the funds (state money) disbursed for the rehabilitation of the Langsa City type A terminal are fantastic or at least more than adequate.

On Friday night (last night) 03/05/2021 the Asia Nation News and Bidik Aceh (ANN/NBA) media visited the terminal construction site located in Gampong Sp. Lhee, West Langsa District, there are still many mistakes that need to be considered and corrected, including the installation (plug in) of reverse job information signs, worker safety equipment, wall covers, some of which still use second hand zinc (already used) and some even use plastic materials and an iron frame that almost tiny.

The existence of the media as a means of social control (social control) will always be a public eyes that is present for stability balancing in all lines which is nothing but the benefit of the state government in general and society in particular.

Hopefully with this news published it can serve as a warning and notification to all developers or developers who are constructive in nature so that no party is loss or harmed, either PT. Cipta Karya Abadi as a developer and the community as users of the terminal facility itself.

It is hoped that on this next visit from the media, PT. Cipta Marga has been able to carry out deficiencies that were previously considered wrong by the provisions of the SOP as a professional developer in accordance with the Presidential Regulation (PP) as the holder of tenders and/or procurement and services. (Chairman of Atraroe Media)

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