February 27th, 2022
Translated by: PO
Written by: Jacob
Source: www.strateginews.co
Notes from the solidarity action of Muslims for Indian Muslims
Jakarta (ANN) | The solidarity action of Indonesian Muslims against the treatment of Muslims in India on February 25, 2022, which was simultaneously carried out in remote parts of the country, was not yet optimal.
Starting from Aceh and a number of remote areas in the country also brought up the problem of controlling the call to prayer through loudspeakers by the Minister of Religion who seemed harassing because equalizing the azam was like the barking of a bunch of dogs, to invite strong reactions from various parties including the mass action of Muslims who came to various places, including the Indian Embassy in Jakarta.
The act of prohibiting the use of the headscarf for Muslims in India has spread in various media because it was carried out with violence by the apparatus, so that it became a kind of inhumane way of venting anger.
Muslims in Jakarta held an action with the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 in front of the Indian Embassy to hold a solidarity action for Indian Muslims in front of the Indian Embassy, Jakarta, after Friday (25/2/2022).
This action was held in response to the persecution and discrimination against Muslims that have re-emerged in India in the last few days, causing conflict in India. General Secretary of Muslimah PA 212 Finda Musfindayani said her party condemned the discriminatory treatment of Muslim women in India. “They are our brothers and the cruel treatment of them cannot be tolerated,” he said.
The demands of PA 212 urge the Indian government to abolish the rules prohibiting the hijab for Muslims in India.
Even the masses of Indonesian Muslims in solidarity with Muslims in India shouted urgings to expel the Indian Ambassador to Indonesia. There was even a mass media that lowered the title of the news “Action to Reject the Hijab Ban, PA 212: Break Diplomatic Relations and Expel Indian Ambassador”.
The Deputy Chairperson of PA 212, Ustaz Asep Syaripudin, also revealed that PA 212 is meant to be in solidarity with Indian Muslims, for the attitude of persecution and discrimination against Muslims that is spreading in India. “There, Muslims are treated badly.
The Indian government should protect all of its citizens, even if it ignores it, it even seems to ‘legitimize’ or allow violent acts carried out by militant Hindus, “explained Asep Syarifudin. And fellow Muslims, every Muslim has an obligation to care and provide assistance to other Muslims. Because Islam emphasizes the bond of brotherhood.
The solidarity action was initiated by Aspirations of Mothers, the Jakarta Muslim Brotherhood (PMJ), Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212, GNPF Ulama, Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) and Spirit 212. A room for solidarity action was called for by Mother Wati Imhar Burhanuddin through routine recitation sessions every year. Wednesday at Masjid Jami’ Baiturrachman Jl. Raya Saharjo No, 100 South Jakarta (Global Cyber News.Com, 23 February 2022) Calls for Solidarity Action for Indian Muslims
The solidarity action that filled Jalan Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, had created a traffic jam due to sluggish traffic. Another protest mass from Jawara Jaga Kampung (Jajaka) Nusantara, Bekasi Regency, performed an attraction with a symbolic act of handing over a cow with a flower necklace as a form of respect for the beliefs of the Indian people. The hope, the opposite is done to Muslims in India as well. Information obtained by the Atlantic Institute of Nusantara is that there are no less than 200 million minority Muslim communities in India who are worried about the prohibition on the use of the headscarf or hijab, which has happened several times and is considered to violate religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution of India. Reni from Cengkareng and Rosdiana from South Tangerang supported the follow-up action plan, when it was not well received by various authorities and had the obligation to do so. “Action will be carried out both for the action to the Indian Embassy and to the Ministry of Religion, which seems to continue to be silent, due to the wrong word, equating the sound of the call to prayer like the barking of a bunch of dogs,” said Rosdiana. (Jacob Ereste)
News has posted by: strateginews.co
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