October 29th, 2021
Translated by : PO
Source of News : strateginews.co
Dr. Suriyanto, PD, ready to lead the Nusantara Party
Jakarta (ANN) – Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Nusantara Party, Dr. Suriyanto PD, SH, MH, M, Kn, are ready to lead the Nusantara Party to become a professional political party and make an important contribution to the progress of the nation and state. This was conveyed by Suriyanto to strateginews.co, in Jakarta, Friday (29/10/2021).
“Insha Allah, I am ready to lead the Nusantara Party to become a professional and competent political party as a future party.
Towards that direction, of course, we will prepare qualified PN cadres, have a fighting spirit, are loyal and mature, to prepare future leaders,” said Suriyanto. Suriyanto believes that if political parties are able to prepare their cadres well and maturely, national and regional leadership can run well.
“We want to make the Nusantara Party into a modern party, by preparing its cadres seriously, in stages and sustainably. Suriyanto said that the party that he leads requires professional and competent cadres to produce maximum output. “How is it possible for a political party to function if the people there are incompetent people. Competence is the main prerequisite for party cadres who work for the party,” he said.
Even so, Suriyanto also understands, if there are things that are not optimal in carrying out party functions. “In the near future, we will reorganize, and we will carry out the regeneration process well, we will hold consolidation for party strengthening and performance training,” he concluded. ( nug/red )
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