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Assuming the Lawsuit Document is Flawless, PN Langsa Urged to Stop Executing YDBUL’s Assets

February 28th, 2022



  Translated by: PO

Written by: Rapian

Released by: waspada.id


Assuming the Lawsuit Document is Legal Disability, PN (DC) Langsa Urged to Stop Executing YDBUL’s Assets


Langsa City (ANN) | The plan to execute a number of legal assets belonging to the Dayah Bustanul Ulum Langsa Foundation (YDBUL), under the leadership of Dr Amiruddin Yahya Azzawiy MA, by the Langsa District Court after the inkracht decision received by the plaintiffs, is now facing serious resistance from the foundation.

Lawyer/Legal Counsel for the Dayah Bustanul Ulum Langsa Foundation (YDBUL), Muslim A Gani SH, in his press conference, Monday (28/2/2022) revealed that his party had taken legal action against the execution attempt.

“We have made legal efforts to fight the execution. So, the Langsa District Court should not carry out the execution immediately, considering that there are still many legal-related problems in the case. Moreover, the Dayah Bustanul Ulum Langsa Foundation (YDBUL) has changed the deed and legal entity in 2013 which has not been included in the plaintiffs’ lawsuit,” said Muslim A Gani.

According to him, legally what the plaintiffs have sued so far is related to the 2010 deed. Meanwhile, the current Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree in 2010 and the 2013 Minister of Law and Human Rights Decree regarding amendments to the articles of association are currently running. And the decree has never been the object of a dispute either through the District Court or the State Administrative Court.

“So once again we emphasize that the Langsa District Court must not rush into responding to the ambitions of the parties to execute the Foundation’s assets, even though the legal decision regarding the 2010 deed lawsuit has permanent legal force.

Moreover, behind all of that there are thousands of students and Bustanul Ulum students Langsa, who is still studying at the institution. This is very dangerous,” said Muslim A Gani.

Related to this, the legal decision has caused chaos, so Muslim A Gani advised the plaintiffs to file a lawsuit again. Because the documents that have been issued so far are legally flawed.

Regarding the existence of assets belonging to the foundation in the form of a plot of land in Gampong Alur Pinang, East Langsa District covering an area of ​​​​approximately 2800 m or 7 rantai (in Indonesian) which is indicated to have been cultivated / seized by certain individuals who claim to be the management of the rival Foundation, Muslim A Gani emphasized that parties who have worked on / annexed the land belonging to YDBUL to stop it immediately.

“If the YDBUL land that has been cultivated or annexed is not immediately stopped, then we will take further legal steps. Moreover, YDBUL under the leadership of Dr Amiruddin Yahya Azzawiy MA, is still legal according to the law. And no one should violate the law to take a bad step,” said Muslim A Gani.

As previously reported, The land of the Dayah Bustanul Ulum Langsa Foundation (YDBUL) located in the Ulumul Qur’an Islamic Boarding School (MUQ) which has been polemicized and will be considered by the Langsa District Court, is in fact still owned by the State Savings Bank (BTN). This is because 60 units of the teacher’s house in that location have not yet paid their obligations to the bank.

The results of a journalist’s search, Thursday (24/2/2022), related to the arrears of BTN housing on behalf of individuals at the MUQ Islamic Boarding School complex on Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh, Gampong Alue Pineng, East Langsa District, since 1992 during the time of the General Chairman of the Langsa Foundation, Muhammad Nuh AR and Chair 1 Zainuddin Mard and Chair II, Hasan ZZ.

Then, the news of the bad credit arrears was based on information on advertisements in local newspapers regarding bad loans on behalf of the teachers who previously occupied housing in the MUQ Islamic boarding school complex.

Ironically again, the matter was exacerbated by the Langsa District Court on February 16, 2022, which carried out constating (asset matching) prior to execution at YDBU Langsa as a result of individual disputes that occurred in the foundation’s management which led to court proceedings. However, prior to the PN Langsa constraining, YDBU Langsa’s assets in the form of 60 teachers’ houses still belonged to Bank BTN due to bad loans since 1992. (Rpn/ed)

Previously the news has been published by: waspada.id


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