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Again, 114 Rohingya Immigrants Stranded in Aceh

March 6th, 2022



  Translated by: PO

Written by: Zul/Int


Again, 114 Rohingya Immigrants Stranded in Aceh


Picture: More than Hundred Rohingyans Stranded In Bireuen, Aceh (photo by: Zul)


Bireuen (ANN) | At Least 114 Rohingya immigrants was stranded on Alue Buya Pasie Beach, Jangka District, Bireuen, Sunday (6/3/2022). They consisted of 58 men, 21 women, and 35 children.

Meanwhile, the asylum-seeking immigrants were detained by the Jangka Polsek, Peudada Navy, Koramil 07 Jangka, and village officials to the Meunasah of Jangka Alue Village, Buya Pasie.

They will go through a series of data collection processes, while waiting for further handling from the relevant parties.

The Bireuen Police Chief, AKBP Mike Hardy Wirapraja, said it was very likely that there were still Rohingya immigrants stranded in Aceh waters and their whereabouts were unknown.

Mike Hardy suggested that the Bireuen Regency Government immediately coordinate with the Director General of Immigration for further handling steps.

“We hope that the Bireuen Regency Government asks for instructions from the Director General of Immigration. Then for the first step to set up shelter tents, toilets, and distribute logistics and basic needs, considering the immigrants lacked food while on the ship, “said Mike.

Based on the results of the coordination between the Regent of Bireuen, Muzakkar A Gani and the Mayor of Lhokseumawe, Suaidi Yahya, the immigrants will be quarantined in the BLK Shelter, Menasah Mee Kandang Village, Muara Dua, Lhokseumawe.

However, Suaidi hinted that all refugees must have vaccines and rapid antigens.

The Lhokseumawe Police Chief, AKBP Eko Hartanto confirmed that the Lhokseumawe City Government is willing to accommodate Rohingya immigrants and will be quarantined in the BLK on condition that the vaccine and rapid antigen are available.

Currently, said Eko, all Rohingya immigrants are still undergoing rapid antigen tests and vaccinating at a temporary shelter in Meunasah Alue Buya Pasie, Jangka sub-district, Bireuen.

“They are still vaccinating and testing rapid antigens. When it’s finished, the report and the Rohingya immigrants will be shifted to the Lhokseumawe BLK,” said Eko.

25 Days at Ocean before Stranding The asylum seekers from Myanmar are known to have traveled by sea for 25 days before being stranded on Alue Buya Pasie Beach.

The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said that the immigrants had been at sea for 25 days without sufficient food. After being stranded in Bireuen, the 114 asylum seekers were examined before being taken to a temporary shelter in Meunasah Alue Buya Pasie, Jangka, Bireuen.

From the examination, it was found that 74 people were UNHCR card holders. In addition, it was also found that 30 people already had a vaccine card. “Some of them have been vaccinated. Some also hold United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) cards.

This means that some of them have received protection and assistance in the form of meeting basic needs for asylum seekers and refugees from international organizations,” said Winardy. (zul/int)

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